A visual representation of named colors

See the colors you are working with.

Lewi Uberg
Towards Data Science


Photo by Paweł Czerwiński on Unsplash

I looked into word embeddings for my bachelor thesis and stumbled into a great GitHub Gist by Allison Parrish[1] titled “Understanding word vectors”. Her Gist is very educational, explaining everything from the ground up. However, the section about colors as vectors did not show the colors being discussed. Since I am a visual learner, I wanted to implement some way of plotting the colors to see them. I realized that this could be a handy tool in other circumstances, and I have extracted what I made and modified it to work without her Gists context.

Color basis

Let’s start by loading the color information from Darius Kazemi’s GitHub repository[2] containing a JSON file with the xkcd color names and values.

import urllib.request, json# read json data
with urllib.request.urlopen("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dariusk/corpora/master/data/colors/xkcd.json") as url:
color_data = json.loads(url.read().decode())

I want to make a dictionary that holds the hex, integer, and normalized integer values, so the first step is to create a function that converts hex to a tuple with RGB values.

def hex_to_int(color):
Converts hexcolor codes to tuple of integers.
color (str): hex color code.
tuple: RGB values as integers.
color = color.lstrip("#")
return int(color[:2], 16), int(color[2:4], 16), int(color[4:6], 16)

Now, I am ready to define the new color dictionary, which holds all the mentioned values.

# Define one dictionary with name as key
colors: dict = {}
for i in color_data["colors"]:
temp = list(i.values())
# hex color as value
val_hex = temp[1]
# int (RGB 0-255) color as value
val_int = hex_to_int(temp[1])
# normalized int (0-1) color as value
val_norm = tuple([x / 255 for x in val_int])
# combine to dict
colors[temp[0]] = {"hex": val_hex, "int": val_int, "norm": val_norm}

Let’s see look at some results.

print("Sample of 5 colors with hex values")
names = [x[0] for x in list(colors.items())[0:5]]
values = [colors[x]["hex"] for x in names]
display(list(zip(names, values)))
print("Sample of 5 colors with int values")
names = [x[0] for x in list(colors.items())[0:5]]
values = [colors[x]["int"] for x in names]
display(list(zip(names, values)))
print("Sample of 5 colors with normalized int values")
names = [x[0] for x in list(colors.items())[0:5]]
values = [colors[x]["norm"] for x in names]
display(list(zip(names, values)))
Sample of 5 colors with hex values [('cloudy blue', '#acc2d9'),
('dark pastel green', '#56ae57'),
('dust', '#b2996e'),
('electric lime', '#a8ff04'),
('fresh green', '#69d84f')]
Sample of 5 colors with int values [('cloudy blue', (172, 194, 217)),
('dark pastel green', (86, 174, 87)),
('dust', (178, 153, 110)),
('electric lime', (168, 255, 4)),
('fresh green', (105, 216, 79))]
Sample of 5 colors with normalized int values [('cloudy blue', (0.6745098039215687, 0.7607843137254902, 0.8509803921568627)),
('dark pastel green',
(0.33725490196078434, 0.6823529411764706, 0.3411764705882353)),
('dust', (0.6980392156862745, 0.6, 0.43137254901960786)),
('electric lime', (0.6588235294117647, 1.0, 0.01568627450980392)),
('fresh green',
(0.4117647058823529, 0.8470588235294118, 0.30980392156862746))]

Let’s test if we can give a color name as input and get the values back.

print("Test for the color 'red':")
Test for the color 'red': {'hex': '#e50000', 'int': (229, 0, 0), 'norm': (0.8980392156862745, 0.0, 0.0)}

Making it visible

There was already an excellent function for plotting colors in the Matplotlib documentation, so I copied it and made some small changes to better suit my needs.

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.colors as mcolors
def plot_colortable(colors, title="Colors", sort_colors=True, emptycols=0, title_size=18, text_size=14): cell_width = 212
cell_height = 22
swatch_width = 48
margin = 12
topmargin = 40
# Sort colors by hue, saturation, value and name.
if sort_colors is True:
by_hsv = sorted((tuple(mcolors.rgb_to_hsv(mcolors.to_rgb(color))),
for name, color in colors.items())
names = [name for hsv, name in by_hsv]
names = list(colors)
n = len(names)
ncols = 4 - emptycols
nrows = n // ncols + int(n % ncols > 0)
width = cell_width * 4 + 2 * margin
height = cell_height * nrows + margin + topmargin
dpi = 72
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(width / dpi, height / dpi), dpi=dpi)
fig.subplots_adjust(margin/width, margin/height,
(width-margin)/width, (height-topmargin)/height)
ax.set_xlim(0, cell_width * 4)
ax.set_ylim(cell_height * (nrows-0.5), -cell_height/2.)
ax.set_title(title, fontsize=title_size, loc="left", pad=10)
for i, name in enumerate(names):
row = i % nrows
col = i // nrows
y = row * cell_height
swatch_start_x = cell_width * col
swatch_end_x = cell_width * col + swatch_width
text_pos_x = cell_width * col + swatch_width + 7
ax.text(text_pos_x, y, name, fontsize=text_size,
ax.hlines(y, swatch_start_x, swatch_end_x,
color=colors[name], linewidth=18)
return fig

Since a predefined function is used for plotting, a function that generates the needed input is defined.

def make_selection_dict(names, color_index, val_type="hex"):
Makes a dictionary for the selected colors and their values.
names (list): color names
color_index (dict): All avaliable colors.
val_type (str, optional): value return type. Defaults to "hex".
[dict]: color names and values.
value_list: list = []

# Makes a list of color values based on the input and desired return type.
for i in names:

# Combines the names and values in a dictionary.
return {k: v for k, v in zip(names, value_list)}

Let’s make a list of colors and test that the new function returns “hex” values.

color_selection = ["red", "green", "blue"]display(selection := make_selection_dict(color_selection, colors, "hex")){'red': '#e50000', 'green': '#15b01a', 'blue': '#0343df'}

Now the time to see the actual colors is here.

plot_colortable(selection, sort_colors=False, emptycols=1);
Image by Author

Finding shades of a color

Allison’s Gist had some functions that enabled us to find the n closest colors to our selection based on euclidean distance. I have combined some of her functions and made alterations to them to better suit my needs.

def closest(color_index, color_val, n=10):
Defines a list of n closest colors to the input color.
color_index (dict): All avaliable colors.
color_val (dict): Base color.
n (int, optional): Number of closest colors. Defaults to 10.
list: Names of closest colors.
from scipy.spatial.distance import euclidean
closest = []
if isinstance(color_val, dict):
for key in sorted(color_index.keys(),
key=lambda x: euclidean(color_val["int"],
elif isinstance(color_val, list):
for key in sorted(
key=lambda x: euclidean(color_val, color_index[x]["int"]))[:n]:
return closest

Let’s find the 6 closest colors to “red”.

color_selection = closest(colors, colors["red"], 6)
selection = make_selection_dict(color_selection, colors, "hex") # <-- using hex
plot_colortable(selection, emptycols=1);
Image by Author

Let’s find the 6 closest colors to “green”.

color_selection = closest(colors, colors["green"], 6)
selection = make_selection_dict(color_selection, colors, "norm") # <-- using norm
plot_colortable(selection, emptycols=1);
Image by Author

Let’s find the 12 closest colors to “pure blue”, by using the RGB values.

color_selection = closest(colors, [3, 6, 223], 12)
selection = make_selection_dict(color_selection, colors, "hex")
plot_colortable(selection, emptycols=1);
Image by Author

Playing with vectors

The following functions are copied as they were from the previously mentioned Gist since they do the intended job, and I don’t see any need to alter them.

Subtract one color from another

Let’s test subtracting “magenta” from “cyan”.

def subtractv(coord1, coord2):
return [c1 - c2 for c1, c2 in zip(coord1, coord2)]
# Have to use "int" in the subtractv function
color_selection = closest(colors, subtractv(colors['magenta']["int"], colors['cyan']["int"]), 12)
selection = make_selection_dict(color_selection, colors, "hex")
plot_colortable(selection, emptycols=1);
Image by Author

Add one color to another

Let’s test adding “royal” with “teal”.

def addv(coord1, coord2):
return [c1 + c2 for c1, c2 in zip(coord1, coord2)]
# Have to use "int" in the addv function
color_selection = closest(colors, addv(colors['royal']["int"], colors['teal']["int"]), 12)
selection = make_selection_dict(color_selection, colors, "hex")
plot_colortable(selection, emptycols=1);
Image by Author

Find the average of a list

Let’s test finding the average of black and white.

def meanv(coords):
# assumes every item in coords has same length as item 0
sumv = [0] * len(coords[0])
for item in coords:
for i in range(len(item)):
sumv[i] += item[i]
mean = [0] * len(sumv)
for i in range(len(sumv)):
mean[i] = float(sumv[i]) / len(coords)
return mean
meanv([[0, 1], [2, 2], [4, 3]])
# Have to use "int" in the meanv function
color_selection = closest(colors, meanv([colors['black']["int"], colors['white']["int"]]), 12)
selection = make_selection_dict(color_selection, colors, "hex")
plot_colortable(selection, emptycols=1);
Image by Author

Finding random colors

import randomcolor_selection = random.sample(colors.keys(), 12)
selection = make_selection_dict(color_selection, colors, "hex")
plot_colortable(selection, sort_colors=False, emptycols=1);
Image by Author

Every n color in the range

color_selection = [list(colors.keys())[x] for x in range(0, 37, 3)]
selection = make_selection_dict(color_selection, colors, "hex")
plot_colortable(selection, emptycols=1);
Image by Author


It’s a great start for my use, but If I find myself using it a lot, I will most likely invest some time in making it even better, and expand on the functionality. For more information about colors as vectors, see the Gist linked above.


[1]: Parrish, A. “Understanding word vectors” (2018), gist.github.com/aparrish/understanding-word-vectors.ipynb

[2]: Kazemi, D. “xkcd” (2016), github.com/dariusk/corpora/blob/master/data/colors/xkcd.json

About the author

Lewi Uberg is a final year student in applied data science in Norway, with a background as a geek of all trades, an IT manager, and a CAD engineer. Feel free to follow him on medium or visit his website.



I’m a husband, father of three boys, a former design engineer, an Applied Data Science undergraduate, working as a fullstack developer.